Saturday 17 August 2019


Your smell is unique : Your body odour is unique to you unless you have an identical twin. Even babies recognize the individual scents of their mothers. 

"Working memory" boosters

  • 2-grams fish oil a day 
  • 1.3 glass champagne a week
   Increases your working memory skills.

The most common disease..........

Did you know??? The most common disease is Tooth-Decay

Men have nipples because,........

Men have nipples because, as an embryo, everyone is a female until the Y-Chromosome kicks in.

Water pressure in onion cell

There is enough water pressure in one onion cell to cause a steam engine to explode.

Friday 16 August 2019

Do you know??? Intfact 1

Poisonous Snake
Honey Bee

The honey bee kills more people worldwide than all the poisonous snakes combined.